diiVing out of my comfort zone

2 min readJan 18, 2023

The first mention of diiVe came up during a late night game of pool–a friend of mine who had previously completed the J-Term program suggested I apply to become part of this year’s cohort. Having recently entered the world of consulting, I thought it’d be a good opportunity to learn more about what consultants do, what their work entails, and if consulting would actually be a great fit for me. Prior to joining diiVe’s Winter 2023 cohort, I had about 3 months’ worth of consulting experience with my Harvard-affiliated organization, but I was excited to learn more and to take the diiVe.

After completing two weeks of my three-week internship, I can confidently say that diiVe has given me invaluable insight into the field of consulting. Our program hit the ground running from Day 1, and my peers and I had the privilege of speaking with and hearing from accomplished consultants who differed in their backgrounds and working experiences. Furthermore, the plethora of hands-on activities and group projects allowed me to work with individuals from all around the world that brought their own perspectives and opinions to the table. Through this experience, I was able to grow my network while also fostering relationships at and beyond the diiVe workplace. Now that I am a Project Manager for my case team, I’ve been able to improve my professional capabilities in organization, communication, and outreach, of which are extremely valuable in several career paths.

To say that diiVe has pushed me out of my comfort zone is an understatement. From waking up at the crack of dawn and rolling out of bed and into a Zoom workshop, to scheduling endless client calls, internal team meetings, and deliverable deadlines, the J-Term diiVe experience has been stressful, but greatly rewarding. diiVe’s fast paced work and short timeframe can feel overwhelming at first, but through the support of Elspeth, my project mentor Devon, and other members of diiVe, as well as my peers in the program, I quickly became acclimated to my role as Project Manager and am proud of my team and I’s achievements thus far. My time at the program has also made me more confident in pursuing consulting as a professional career. I am grateful to have had such a pivotal experience, and I am thankful to have met and learned from so many talented individuals during my internship at diiVe!

Angela is a Junior at Harvard College studying Psychology with a secondary in Integrative Biology. In her free time, she enjoys photography, playing the guitar, and trying new foods and cafes.




diiVe is a high-impact, global leadership program for university students based in Cape Town, South Africa.