My diiVe Experience

2 min readAug 17, 2022

I initially took on diiVe because I felt like consulting was something that I needed to investigate professionally. I wanted to get first-hand experience in the field before making the decision to apply to the big consulting firms for next summer. As someone who comes from a STEM-oriented background, I believe that I can bring a number of new perspectives to the team, add value and learn a variety of new things simultaneously.

My internship experience at diiVe has been one of the most unique professional and learning experiences. In particular, it taught me how to work with people from multiple different backgrounds and to take initiative in my own work stream. Through this experience I was able to build personal and professional relationships and networks. I did not have any social expectations for diiVe, yet I am now planning to visit Boston later this year to meet my colleagues that I met and worked with through diiVe. Thanks to everyone who participated and facilitated this program, I was able to have a fun and fruitful experience this summer, and I truly believe that the friendships I made at diiVe are going to continue to evolve after the program.

Additionally, I had the opportunity to work with a variety of stakeholders who inspired me to learn more about the blockchain space and to further leverage my computer science skills in the professional environment. Lastly, diiVe pushed me to work in an extraordinary environment where I had to take responsibility and ownership of my work stream. As I was in China for the summer, I had to work around and across the time zone difference as well as to keep myself accountable in order to meet the expectations of the client and my team. I believe the ability to work in such circumstances is especially important in future professional environments.

By Franco Lu, intern at diiVe (Summer 2022)

Franco Lu is an incoming junior studying Computer Science and Human & Organizational Behaviors at Vanderbilt University. In his free time, he loves to snowboard and travel.




diiVe is a high-impact, global leadership program for university students based in Cape Town, South Africa.